GIS Alliance

Alliance Information


Alliance Information

Marauder Seige
Tuesday: Reset +2
Marauder Seige
Thursday: Reset +2
Friday: Reset +2
Saturday & Sunday
12:00 midnight

GIS Alliance Rules

  • NAP ALL :  NO ATTACKING ANY player from any 916 alliance
  • SHIELD REQUIRED : Saturday and Sunday during Kill Events (KE)
  • OFFICE WITHOUT NOTICE : 2 Days Demotion – 4 Days Kick

GIS Alliance Rules

  • NAP ALL:  NO ATTACKING ANY player of any 916 alliance
  • SHIELD REQUIRED: Saturday and Sunday during Kill Events (KE)
  • OFFLINE WITHOUT NOTICE: 2 Days Demotion – 4 Days Kick


NAP ALL means no member of GIS is to attack ANYONE that is a member of the 916 State, unless it is your own farm. If you violate this rule there will be consequences.

1st Offense: You will be dropped to R1. You will not regain rank until you agree to the required NAP ALL by sending the R5 a written message that you understand and will comply to the rule.

2nd Offense: You will be dropped to R1 you will also be required to compensate the attacked player. That means you will drop your shield remove your troops and allow the other player to attack until you have repaid them the stolen resources. If you refuse you will be kicked from this alliance.

3rd Offense: You will immediately be kicked from this alliance your player ID and name will be given to all R5’s in every other alliance and be told you are an uncooperative player and to allow you to join at their own risk.

Many R5’s have a pact about uncooperative members and will not let you join their alliance.

NAP - Non Aggression Pacts

Weekly Focus

This week we would like our alliance to focus on the following;

  • Alliance technology contribution
  • Daily Tasks – Getting all chest on their daily tasks each day, 
  • Clash of Province – We would like each member to get their first individual chest daily and the alliance to get the second chest daily. The exception to this is Saturday. 

We will also be giving tips and tricks throughout the week and will begin teaching people how to play Saturdays “Kill Event” Clash KE. 

Ember & Mirwen

Alliance Technology Donation

How do contribute to Alliance Technolgy you ask?

Its easy do the following: menu -> alliance flag -> technology -> select the leader recommended technology -> provide resource (lower middle button). 

If you have extra diamonds you can contribute those as well lower right button. This will slowly refresh so you can contribute more than once a day.

Daily Tasks

Clash of Provinces

Day Activity
Monday is the gathering day. During the Warm Up phase, however, there is no gathering day.
Tuesday is upgrade buildings and craft accessories.
Wednesday is Research Technologies or buy gems
Thursday is Hero Development day. You can recruit new heroes by spending your recruitment tickets and leveling up your heroes and their skills.
Friday is Train Units day. Recruit the highest-tier units available to get the best score.
Saturday & Sunday
The Kill Event. During these two days, players from two different states can teleport to each other’s states and attack each other. However, During the Warm Up week, the KE day is replaced with a Free Development day.

KE - Kill Events

BOH - Battlefield of Honor